The Roch Standard

The first dog friendly standard, certification and ranking process for hotels.

Welcome to Roch Dog, home of dog friendly. The Roch Standard is a patent-pending model designed to accurately verify a hotel’s level of ‘dog friendliness’ through a comprehensive certification process, grading hotels from A+ to D, to provide dog owners with a clear picture of exactly what to expect before they make a reservation.
We accurately capture a hotel’s dog friendly position using our proprietary certification process which comprehensively covers a hotel's dog friendly services, amenities, restrictions, access levels, facilities, and ancillaries to establish exactly how dog friendly a hotel is, measuring the difference between dog tolerant and dog friendly.
We do this because the words 'dog friendly' are a marketing term, many hotels that call themselves dog friendly are actually “dog tolerant”. They only tolerate your dog's presence for a steep ‘cleaning’ fee, while providing nothing in return, limiting your dog's access in the wider hotel, and hiding the fees and restrictions in their small print.
The Roch Standard is designed to nudge hotels towards a more dog friendly position over time, and slowly improve canine inclusivity across the industry by redefining exactly what it means to be dog friendly, and incentivizing hotels to do better.
We take each hotel through a comprehensive certification process to evaluate their dog friendly services, access, amenities, restrictions, charges, and facilities.
Following their certification, each hotel receives a rank from A+ to D, before being ranked regionally in our directory against their competitors in their catchment area.
We take each hotel through a thorough certification process by evaluating access, amenities, dog friendly services to build an accurate picture of the hotel’s dog-friendly status.
The Roch Standard is designed to foster canine inclusivity in the wider hospitality industry, and provide dog owners with a dog friendly standard they can trust.
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The world’s first dog friendly certification process, we verify dog friendly and rank hotels so you know what to expect before you book.

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+1 (626) 884-4007

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