Hotel Le Negresco

37 Promenade Des Anglais, Nice, France
Dog Friendly Hotel $Nice - $Hotel Le Negresco
Hotel Le Negresco, overlooks the beach and the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Free Wifi access is provided and there is an on-site fitness centre. Each room and suite is decorated individually with period furniture and features air conditioning.

The Hotel Le Negresco Has Not Been Certified As Dog Friendly

While Hotel Le Negresco is dog friendly in some way, we have no idea of how dog friendly they are because they have not yet been certified. We have no real idea of what kind of dog friendly policies, amenities, facilities, or services this hotel offers, and we do not know if they charge a steep 'cleaning fee' for staying here with your dog. Because they have not yet certified themselves, we are unable to provide you with a direct link to their website. If you are the owner, or manager, of this property please certify yourself so that our website visitors know exactly what to expect at your property before they book and arrive with their dogs. We will certify and rank your property, enabling you to stand out from your competitors in your region and attract more dog owners and their pets. Certifying your property means that you get a steady flow of direct inbound reservations, because we remove the OTA affiliate icons enabling visitors to book directly with you, and by providing your contact details and website address to us, we can easier send interested dog owners directly to you if they have any questions. If you are a dog owner and you want to know exactly how dog friendly this property is, please call them and tell them to certify themselves and provide a transparent, clear view of their dog friendly policies, services, and amenities to potential guests. It is the best way to avoid problems before you arrive, and know what to expect before you book. By booking directly with dog friendly hotels you are able to get the best rate, the hotels will always undercut the booking platforms and be able to give you their best available price themselves, so always book direct.

Pets allowed
24-hour front desk
Pet basket

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